Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 371 - 380
A learned dissertation on dumpling : its dignity, antiquity, and excellence. With a word upon pudding, and many other useful discoveries, of great benefit to the publick. To which is added, Namby Pamby; a panegyric on the new versification address'd to A- P- Esq
"A satirical imitation of [Ambrose] Philip's pretentious style of writing"--Halkett & Laing (2nd ed). Authorship of A Learned dissertation is dubiou...
The backyard dairy book : how to be independent of the system for your milk, cream, butter, cheese & all dairy needs
Cover title. Bibliography: page 40....
De tuenda bona valetudine libellus... Commentariis doctissimis illustratus à Joanne Placotomo ... In quibus multa eruditè explicantur, studiosis philosophiae plurimum profutura. Eiusdem, de natura & viribus cerevisiarum, & mulsarum, oposculum. De causis, praeseruatione, & curatione ebrietatis, dissertationes. Cum indice
First published in 1524 with title: Bonæ valetvdinis conseruandæ præcepta....
A memorandum book containing notes on cookery and marketing, compiled 1924-1925 by Maude Mary Whittaker
The pages are perforated; f.40 detached. Written mostly in pencil...
Cookery book
A collection of cookery recipes, notes on household management, and medical remedies Ff.74-80 are blank. Bound in parchment. F.1r bears the inscript...
Cookery book
At one end of the book are cookery receipts, medicinal remedies, and instructions for general household management, preceded at the beginning by a poe...
Recipe book for the large scale production of cordials.
Contains 54 manuscript recipes for the large scale production of cordials, dated between 1764 and 1778. They include one for producing 30 gallons of W...
Chaston Chapman Brewing
Mr Chaston Chapman collected works for two libraries; his working library, based at his laboratory in London, and a private, historical collection. Su...
Human guinea pigs
Previous edition: London : Victor Gollancz, 1945....