The journal of gastronomy
v.1, summer 1984-v.1, fall 1984 Published quarterly by the American Institute of Wine & Food....
v.1, summer 1984-v.1, fall 1984 Published quarterly by the American Institute of Wine & Food....
Contents: Sect. 1. Sauces -- Sect. 2. Fish -- Sect. 3. Vegetables -- Sect. 4. Cereals -- Sect. 5. Fruit -- Sect. 6. Birds and their eggs -- Sect. 7. M...
"First published 1924." American edition (New York, A.A. Knopf) has title: The Borzoi cook book....
Vol. 1 has title: Almanach des gourmands, ou Calendrier nutritif, servant de guide dans les moyens de faire excellente chère... par un vieux amateur. ...
Complete in 72 weekly parts, in 4 boxes, with "Alphabetical index". Editor Marie-Jacqueline Lancaster....
Advertisements: [20] p. at end. Includes index....
In 2 vols. - Ill. on lining papers. - In slip case. Bibliography: p.845-877. - Includes index....
Colophon reads: Coloniae apud Eucharium Ceruicornum, procurante M. Godefrido Hittorpio ciue Coloni. Mense Septem. anni.M.D. XXIX....
Cover title....
"Adorn'd with copper plates, exhibiting the order of placing the different dishes, &c. on the table, in the most polite way."...