Haaf-net Papers


This file contains multiple copies, in different formats, of Sanderson's paper, 'Haaf-net, Halve-net, Have-net: A Problem in North-West European Maritime Ethnography', delivered to the Congresse Internacional de Etnografia at Santo Tirso, Portugal, 12 July 1963. The paper describes the net and its use, its provenance and age, and discusses the ethnographic problems resulting from varying terminologies. The file contains one typed copy of the paper accompanied by a sheet of photographic illustrations accompanying the printed version; four printed copies offprinted from 'Actas do Congresso Internacional de Etnografia' (Lisboa: Junta de Investigações do Ultremar, 1965); and four photocopies of the article taken from the actual printed volume (pp. 237-244 and figs. 1-4), accompanied by photocopies of the opening speeches of the congress by Fernando de Castro Pires de Lima, Sanderson and Fernando de Quintanilha e Mendonça Dias (pp. 17, 24-26, 36-39). The file also includes Sanderson's paper, 'Haaf-net or Have-net: A Contribution to the Study of Northern Cultural Connections', delivered at the Fifth Viking Congress at Torshavn, July 1965, and offprinted from the 'Proceedings' of the Congress, ed. Bjarni Niclasen (Torshavn: Føroya Fródskaparfelag, 1968). This particular copy is inscribed from Sanderson to Harold Orton. A photocopy of the offprint is also included. File contents arranged chronologically.


Identifier yjzfh64h
IRN 410586
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/3/2/2
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/yjzfh64h
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Fishing
Creator(s) Sanderson, Stewart
Date 1963-1968
Size and Medium 1 file of typed, printed and photocopied papers.

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