Sandra McNeill Box 08: WAVAW Box 1 of 3


Sandra McNeill Box 08: Box 1 of 3 Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) Folder 1: Summary of Leeds WAVAW Activities Folder 2: Leeds WAVAW: Minutes 1981/2 also list of WAVAW Groups Folder 3: WAVAW: Ist demo/actions/media coverage Folder 4: Towards WAVAW: notes on demos, protests, organising Folder 5: Towards WAVAW: pornography, Mary Whitehouse, Williams Report Folder 6: Towards WAVAW Feminists Against Sexual Terrorism 1979. Rape Crisis Centre (London) Annual Report 1978. Folder 7: About a Ripper Film – cuttings and correspondence Folder 8: WAVAW and related demos and actions. Newspaper cuttings 1979- 1981. Alice Bondi account of Bradford action 1980 Folder 9: Central London WAVAW Folder 10: Off our backs (USA) article on WAVAW – porn shop protest, Leeds WAVAW demo November 1980, Yorkshire Ripper. Sexual Violence Against Women demo and flyer Nov 1980. Folder 11: Interviews with women in WAVAW (?1981) on the origins of WAVAW: Dee Aherne; Rosie Snowdon; Sandra McNeill Folder 12: Violence Against Women Day School, NUPE, Middlesbrough 1981 Folder 13: WAVAW response to Criminal Law Revision Committee on Sex Laws Folder 14: Angry Women: Copies of press cuttings including press releases on arson. Folder 15: Sexual Harassment Folder 16: Leeds WAVAW Media Group Minutes Folder 17: WAVAW Media/Contact lists including list of WAVAW group 1982 Key Words: Violence Against Women; conferences; campaigns; actions; media; pornography;


Identifier wxmwdnff
IRN 739986
Class Mark FAN/SMc/08
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Sandra McNeill Collection
Date 1978-1982

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