Sandra McNeill Box 01: London


Box 01: Women's Liberation Movement, London 1970s/early 1980s. Folder 01: International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women 1976 Brussels. Folder 02: London Women's Liberation an introduction. The 6 Demands and history of London Women's Liberation Workshop, and London Women's Liberation Newsletter Policy. Folder 03: International Women's Day March London 1977 with photo Folder 04: Anti Pornography Campaigning 1978-1979 inc. press cuttings, pictures, analysis. Folder 05: History of Women's Liberation Movement 1972/73 discussion notes from conference in 1984 Folder 06: Campaign Against Benyon Anti-abortion bill 1977 Folder 07: Feminist Activism late 1970s. Folder 08: Guardsman Holdsworth rape case protests, press cuttings, graffiti. Folder 09: 50th Anniversary of Votes for Women. letter to suffragettes protest, Kelly's account mentioning Connie Lewcock. Christabel Pankhurst The Great Scourge and how to end it. Folder10: The Seventh Demand - Towards a Revolutionary Feminist Analysis of Rape. Folder 11: The Campaign Against Currie anti-abortion bill inc press cuttings March 1980. Folder 12: The Legacy and Politics of Women-only Spaces paper by Jessica Bull based on interviews with Lou Lavender, Sandra McNeill, Rose Reeve, Al Garthwaite in 2014. Key words: Violence Against Women; Women's Campaigns; Abortion; Conferences; Women and the Law; International Groups and Campaigns; Reclaim the Night; Women's History; Women's Liberation Movement; Health; photo; photographs


Identifier ws6pbx7r
IRN 480526
Class Mark FAN/SMc/01
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Sandra McNeill Collection
Date 1970-1989
Size and Medium 1 box

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