Sandra McNeill Box 27: JFW 6 Responses to consultations


Sandra McNeill Box 27: Justice for Women 6: Responses to Consultations 1) 1991 JFW submission to Royal Commission on Criminal Justice (Self- Defence/ Provocation/Self Preservation) 2) 1996 Law Commission Proposal to introduce Consent as a Defence in Assault cases + responses 3) 1996-2000 JFW Responses to government consultations (Stalking/Alternative Dispute Resolution/Sex Offenders/Vulnerable or Intimidated Witnesses/Legal Aid/Sentencing Review) 4) 2000-2001 Government Strategy for Women Offenders + JFW Response 5) 2000 JFW Response to Leeds Social Services Goods Practice Guidelines 6) 2001 Response of JFW To Making Punishment Work. Review of Sentencing Framework 7) 2002 JFW Comments on how the Wakefield Model is inappropriate for Women 8) 2003 JFW Response to Safety and Justice: consultation paper on domestic violence 9) 2003 25 year tariff for killing with knife 10) 2003 Fawcett Commission Women and Offending 11) 2004 Sentencing Advisory Panel Consultation on Sentencing of Manslaughter by Reason of Provocation + Response from JFW 12) 2004 JFW Response to Paying the Price govt consultation on Prostitution 13) 2005 Hearing the relatives of murder and manslaughter victims + JFW Response 14) 2001 – 2005 JFW Responses to government consultation: *Prostitution *Equal Opportunities *Secure Borders, Safe Havens *Domestic Violence and Sentencing *Sentencing for Assault * Deportation 15) 2007 Fawcett Society Commission Women and Justice 2003 JFW Response to Fawcett report Victims and Witnesses 16) 2006-2011 JFW Responses to government consultations : * Human Trafficking * Principles of Sentencing * Extending Equality Duty to Religion *Job Centre Ads for the Sex Industry *Sentencing Guidelines for assault 17) 2003- 2008 JFW Draft Proposal for a review of women serving life for murder or manslaughter following expansion of provocation. 18) 2011 JFW Response to Leeds City Council Licensing of Sex Establishments policy. SPRIG 3576 I Open Key Words: Violence Against Women, Women’s Campaigns, Women and the law. Government.


Identifier r915twyb
IRN 778375
Class Mark FAN/SMc/27
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Sandra McNeill Collection
Date 1991-2011
Size and Medium 1 box

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