[Breviarium Eboracense, etc.]
Decoration: 2-line initials in blue with red penwork ornamentation (ff. 6-16). Written in textualis quadrata (ff. 6-16), bastard (f. 17r) textualis rotunda (f. 17v), and chancery hand (ff. 18r-71r). On long-term deposit from Ripon Cathedral. Now shelved as Dean and Chapter Archives item 432. Principal contents: ff. 1v-5v blank; ff. 6r-16v fragments from a 15th-century Breviary, including Calendar for the use of York (ff. 6r-11v), Commemoration of Peter and Paul, incomplete (f. 12r), and the Order for the recitation of the Sunday masses (ff. 12v-16v); f. 17r later obits; f. 17v summary of a deed, dated 1 March 1518; ff. 18r-71r sections from Kirkby's Inquest, Knight's Fees and Nomina Villarum for Yorkshire; ff. 71v-94v blank. The texts on ff. 18r-71r are printed in The Publications of the Surtees Society, vol. 49, 1867 (not from this manuscript).
Identifier | wsvwhn3w |
IRN | 372721 |
Class Mark | Ripon Cathedral MS 7 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/wsvwhn3w |
Collection(s) | Ripon Cathedral, Medieval Manuscripts |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Ripon Cathedral Medieval Manuscripts |
Creator(s) | Kirkby, John Bishop of Ely, Hildyard family |
Date | [ca. 1440-1460; 1518; 1550-1600] |
Size and Medium | 1 v. (94 leaves) (ff. 1-16: 39 lines, ruled in ink; ff. 17-71: the number of lines varies) |