

A leaf missing before f. 14. A raised pastedown (f. 190) with the text in the form of absolution on recto, and part of a licence on verso. Decoration: 2 to 3-line initials in blue with elaborate red penwork extending to the margins. Written in textualis semi-quadrata. On long-term deposit from Ripon Cathedral. Principal contents: ff. 3r-5r Paschal Table from 1418; f. 6v Table of years; ff. 7r-12v Calendar; ff. 14r-128r Liturgical psalter, beginning imperfectly; ff. 128r-129v Te deum, Benedicite, Magnificat, Benedictus; ff. 129v-131r Rite of Compline; ff. 131r-134v Litany; ff. 135r-155v Hymns; ff. 156r-161v Office of the dead; ff. 162r-188v Office of St Wilfrid of York. See for a fuller description: N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, vol. 4 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983) pp. 211-213.


Identifier mrqcvfwt
IRN 372722
Class Mark Ripon Cathedral MS 8
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/mrqcvfwt
Collection(s) Ripon Cathedral, Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Ripon Cathedral Medieval Manuscripts
Date [1418]
Size and Medium 1 v. (iii, 188, v leaves) (2 columns, 24 lines)

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