[Anselm, etc.]
There is a late 13th-century list of contents on f. 1v. Decoration: 4 to 5-line initials for each text in blue and red, with pen ornament in both colours. 2-line initials for chapters, alternating in blue and red, with pen ornament in the other colour. Written in textualis rotunda. On long-term deposit from Ripon Cathedral. Principal contents: ff. 1r-11r Monologion Anselmi, including Proslogion, Pro insipiente, and Apologeticus; 11r-16v Augustinus de penitentia; ff. 16v-27r Anselmus de processione spiritus sancti; ff. 27r-36r Anselmus de conceptu virginali et de originali peccato; ff. 36r-53v Anselmus cur deus homo; ff. 54r-58r Anselmus de veritate; ff. 58r-62r Anselmus de libertate arbitrii; ff. 62v-203r Crysostomus super Mathaeum in imperfecto (opere) continens omelias 57; ff. 204r-293r Flores Bernardi divisi in xj libros; ff. 294r-358r Hugo de claustro animae. See for a fuller description: N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, vol. 4 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983) pp. 205-207.
Identifier | l2z5yjn9 |
IRN | 372716 |
Class Mark | Ripon Cathedral MS 2 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/l2z5yjn9 |
Collection(s) | Ripon Cathedral, Medieval Manuscripts |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Ripon Cathedral Medieval Manuscripts |
Creator(s) | Anselm Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, John Chrysostom, Saint, Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, Hugh of Saint-Victor |
Date | [ca. 1200-1250] |
Size and Medium | 1 v. (i, 360, i leaves) (2 columns, 41 lines) |