[Anselm, etc.]


There is a late 13th-century list of contents on f. 1v. Decoration: 4 to 5-line initials for each text in blue and red, with pen ornament in both colours. 2-line initials for chapters, alternating in blue and red, with pen ornament in the other colour. Written in textualis rotunda. On long-term deposit from Ripon Cathedral. Principal contents: ff. 1r-11r Monologion Anselmi, including Proslogion, Pro insipiente, and Apologeticus; 11r-16v Augustinus de penitentia; ff. 16v-27r Anselmus de processione spiritus sancti; ff. 27r-36r Anselmus de conceptu virginali et de originali peccato; ff. 36r-53v Anselmus cur deus homo; ff. 54r-58r Anselmus de veritate; ff. 58r-62r Anselmus de libertate arbitrii; ff. 62v-203r Crysostomus super Mathaeum in imperfecto (opere) continens omelias 57; ff. 204r-293r Flores Bernardi divisi in xj libros; ff. 294r-358r Hugo de claustro animae. See for a fuller description: N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, vol. 4 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983) pp. 205-207.


Identifier l2z5yjn9
IRN 372716
Class Mark Ripon Cathedral MS 2
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/l2z5yjn9
Collection(s) Ripon Cathedral, Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Ripon Cathedral Medieval Manuscripts
Creator(s) Anselm Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, John Chrysostom, Saint, Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, Hugh of Saint-Victor
Date [ca. 1200-1250]
Size and Medium 1 v. (i, 360, i leaves) (2 columns, 41 lines)

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