Gardening Questionnaire Correspondence


Letters sent to Jean Whitfield from newspapers, journals and magazine editors regarding her research, and from individuals responding to her requests for help posted through these channels. This relates to her gardening folklore questionnaire, a postal survey forming part of her proposed thesis, with questions on plant names, weatherlore, local legends, sayings and herbal remedies. The responses include completed questionnaires and suggestions for further informants (including local Women's Institute contacts). This file also contains a letter from Charles Parkerat the BBC, regarding folk song and 'The Northcountryman' radio programme. Items arranged in chronological order.


Identifier sm7jry5t
IRN 410885
Class Mark LAVC/ARC/1/9
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Archivists' Correspondence and Related Papers
Creator(s) Whitfield, Jean
Date 1962-1963
Size and Medium 1 file of ms. and typescript items.

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