The Creation (image 1)


Six roundels depicting God's creation: the separation of sky and earth (1), creation of trees and plants (2), creation of waters and fishes (3), creation of animals (4), creation of angels (5), and the fall of wicked angels (6). The roundel below them on the left, shows God creating Eve from Adam's rib (7). The roundel on the right, depicts the Temptation: Adam and Eve by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, from which the serpent offers a fruit to Eve (8). A full rinceau border with hairline tendrils holding golden ivy leaves and balls, and amongst them flowers and berries, including strawberries, daisy heads, roses, thistles, poppyheads, speedwells, grapes, pantsies, bluebells, red currants, and acanthus leaves. 7-line initial 'C' in blue, infilled with foliage, on a gold ground. Context: History of the world: Biblical history


Identifier skc1ls4q
IRN 372736
Class Mark BC MS 100/1
Level Piece
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Manuscript
Parent Record [Biblical and genealogical chronicle from Adam and Eve to Louis XI of France]
Date [ca. 1461-1483]

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