Housekeeping - General
This file contains items relating to housekeeping and domestic arrangements, and associated customs. This includes a photocopy of Edith Martin's 'Do You Know Cornwall?: Chips and Shavings from a Cornish Block' (Truro: A. W. Jordan, [undated]), pp. 8, 27-30, on traditional food in Cornwall and Cornish sayings and words; a copy of 'Cornish Miscellany', issued by the Cornwall Federation of Women's Institutes (Truro: Netherton & Worth, 1965), including chapters on Cornish food, remedies and cookery and household hints; papers relating to Wille Brunk's Beastings Questionnaire, including a typed circular covering letter and questionnaire, and ms. and typed responses to the questionnaire from informants in Yorkshire (February-May 1967); Mary Corbett Harris's article on traditional dairy farming and dairy food-production in Wales, extracted from 'Country Life' (4 March 1971), pp. 497-499; W. R. Mitchell's article, 'Farmhouse Butter and Cheese', extracted from the 'Dalesman' (May 1980), pp. 139-142; an anonymous ms. letter, written in dialect, on Wensleydale cheese-making (5 leaves); 'Cornish Recipes, Ancient & Modern', issued by the Cornwall Federation of Women's Institutes, 22nd ed. (1965); A. Pinckard's article on pipe stoppers, extracted from 'Country Life'(16 March 1972), pp. 635-636; and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings from 'Country Life', 'John Peel Jottings', 'The Times', the 'Yorkshire Evening Post' and the 'Yorkshire Post', on peat ovens, old lighting methods, cheese, buttermaking, a Flemish oven, mushroom ketchup, cider-breaks for farmworkers, mead, a cigarette-making gadget, old sweet shops, the Yorkshire liquorice industry, donkeystone used for doorsteps and flagged kitchens, Victorian laundry equipment at Tiverton Museum, mouse traps and a shoe-cleaning stand. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.
Identifier | sg7wcr7y |
IRN | 410625 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/3/8/1 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Housekeeping and Associated Customs |
Date | 1965-1980 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of photocopied, typed and ms.papers, 2 pamphlets, magazine extracts and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings. |