

This file contains items on snuff, snuff production and the taking of snuff, including a photocopy of 'Snuff and the Story of Snuff-Taking' (Sheffield: J. & H. Wilson Ltd, [undated]); a photocopy of an advertisement for Singleton's Super-Menthol Snuff; a photocopy of Geoffrey Moorhouse's article, 'A Nose For Good Business', from 'The Guardian' (December 1961); a copy of 'All About Snuff and Snuff Taking: A Handbook for Tobacconists', ed. Gordon West, (London: Tobacco, [undated: 20th century]); David W. Jones's article on snuff mills in the Lake District, extracted from 'Country Life' (10 May 1973), pp. 1324 and 1327; and a mounted magazine cutting from 'Country Life' on snuff-grinding in Sheffield (31 April 1973). File arranged chronologically.


Identifier bstw1wm3
IRN 410630
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/3/8/6
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Housekeeping and Associated Customs
Date 1961-1973
Size and Medium 1 file of photocopied papers, magazine extracts, a printed pamphlet and a mounted magazine cutting.

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