Agricultural Equipment, Etc.
This file contains items on aspects of agriculture, with a focus on the kinds of tools, equipment and machinery used in farming. This includes a printed diagram and key to the parts of the old Wolds pole wagon, a plan of a harness used when ploughing, diagrams of a plough and diagrams and terminology relating to hedges and gates (used with the Survey of English Dialects questionnaire to prompt responses); an ms. note in the hand of Tony Green, recording information on the origin of the name Brussels Sprout as heard on 'Down Your Way', BBC Radio 4, 11 January 1977; a copy of Bertram Frank's article on peat and turf in Ryedale in the early twentieth century, offprinted from 'The Spade in Northern and Atlantic Europe', ed. by Alan Gailey and Alexander Fenton (Belfast: Ulster Folk Museum and Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University, 1969), pp. 194-199, illustrated; Alison Ross's article, 'In Search of Horse Razors: An Old Farm Tool Collection', on the collection of farm tools at Worthing Museum, extracted from 'Country Life' (6 November 1969), p. 1177; Mark Bourne's article on Welsh farm carts, extracted from 'Country Life' (17 February 1972), p. 385; Gordon Winter's article on the sickle, extracted from 'Country Life' (31 August 1972), pp. 494-496; a photocopy of Herbert L. Day's article on harvesting on the Yorkshire Wolds around 1913, from the 'Dalesman' (August 1979), pp. 398-400; a Department of Social History Oral Information Report Sheet from the City of Norwich Museums, recording details of a recording made by Bridget Yates of Ephraim Moore, a retired farm foreman, and his wife, Mrs. Moore, on haytime, at Castle Acre, Norfolk, 18 May 1972 ([2] leaves); a photocopy of W. R. Mitchell's article on haytime in the Yorkshire Dales, from the 'Dalesman' (July 1979), pp. 286-289; a photocopy of an article by J. M. W. on threshing, from the 'Dalesman' (October 1979), pp. 566-568; A. James Riley's article on Scottish horse mills, extracted from 'Country Life' (27 1415-1416; Seán Hagerty's article on Howell Mill, Anglesey, extracted from Country Life (22 June 1972), pp. 1606-1607; Helen Harris's article on Kibworth Mill and its restoration, extracted from Country Life (28 September 1972), pp. 750-752; printed pamphlets by Peter Brears on Raindale Mill, once situated in the Raindale Valley and now at the Castle Museum in York (1975), and by David A. A. Lodge on Holgate Mill (1977); a photocopy of Jane Hatcher's article on watermill inscriptions from the Dalesman (April 1979), pp. 51-52; Ivan Broadhead's article on rhubarb growing , extracted from The Ridings magazine (February-March 1965), pp. 19-20; John L. Jones's article, A New Look at Hops, extracted from Country Life (6 August 1970), pp. 365-366; John L. Jones's article on willows grown for basket-making (basket willow, or osier), extracted from Country Life (20 December 1973), pp. 2129-2130; and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings from Country Life, The Guardian and the Yorkshire Post, on scythes, ploughs, sickles, ploughing, harvesting, water-meadow farming, threshing, windmills, horse-driven machinery, corn mills, tide mills, water mills, a donkey wheel, potato-planting, a type of oasthouse and a Norfolk harvest custom. Many of the cuttings are largely illustrative. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.
Identifier | r4llkbzp |
IRN | 410597 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/3/4/3 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Agriculture |
Date | 1969-1979 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of ms., printed and photocopied papers, magazine extracts and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings. |