Dieth-Orton Questionnaire


This subseries consists of items relating to the compilation and testing of the Dieth-Orton Questionnaire, which forms the basis of the fieldwork for the SED. The subseries includes drafts of the Questionnaire; response books recording the testing of Questionnaire drafts; and a number of linguistic and cultural questionnaires apparently consulted during its compilation.


Identifier q5tc1msv
IRN 409588
Class Mark LAVC/SED/2/1
Level Sub-series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Questionnaire Response Books and Related Papers
Creator(s) Orton, Harold, Dieth, Eugen
Date 1931-1953
Size and Medium 3 boxes with 28 files of typed, photocopied and printed papers, and 1 ms. notebook; 4 magazine files with 22 ms. response books and 1 ms. notebook; 1 box of ms. index cards., 1.79 linear metres.
System of Arrangement The subseries has been arranged in the following sub-subseries, which are largely chronological: - Questionnaire Version 1 - Questionnaire Version 2 - Questionnaire Version 3 - Questionnaire Version 4 - Published Versions of the Questionnaire - Other Questionnaires Consulted

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