Questionnaire Response Books: Non-SED and Unused Locations


This subseries includes fieldwork response books recording phonetically the responses of Survey of English Dialects (SED) informants to the Dieth-Orton Questionnaire. Responses were recorded by fieldworkers J.M.S., Eugen Dieth, Stanley Ellis, Peter Wright and Donald Sykes. The locations visited include Cowpen Bewley (J.M.S. and Dieth, 1952), Digby (Ellis and Wright, 1951), Clun (Ellis, 1952), Edgmond (Sykes, 195?) and Montacute (Wright, 1952). Only Clun was included in the SED Basic Material. The 14 books are made up of 4 copies of Cowpen Bewley, 6 copies of Digby, 1 copy of Clun, 1 copy of Edgemond and 2 copies of Montacute.


Identifier gwstdb8g
IRN 409638
Class Mark LAVC/SED/2/4
Level Sub-series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Questionnaire Response Books and Related Papers
Date 1951-1952
Size and Medium 3 magazine files with 14 ms. response books., 0.315 linear metres.
System of Arrangement The response books are grouped by county location, and by fieldworker.

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