Sheep, Geese, Bees and Dogs
This file contains items relating largely to the care and management of sheep, but also items on geese, bees and dogs. This includes a typed copy of a letter on sheepshearing in Cumberland, from 'William Hone's Table Book of Daily Recreation and Information' (London: Tegg, 1850); a photocopy of Alexander J. Ellis's chapter on the Anglo-Cymric score from an unidentified publication ( 1878), pp. 316-372; ms. and photocopied records of sheep-counting numerals; a photocopy of sheep marks from the 'Craven and District Sheep Marks Guide' (Skipton: Craven Tenant Farmers' Association, 1930), pp. 66-67; Stewart Sanderson's typed list of terms used for ear marks in the 'Craven and District Sheep Marks Guide' for 1968; a copy of Stewart Sanderson's paper on Lakeland sheep marks, offprinted from 'Folk Life', volume 9 (ca. 1968?), and photographic copies of the illustrations used in the paper (plates XVII and XIX from the National Farmer's Union, Westmorland (South) County Branch'Shepherd's Guide' for 1967; a photocopy of the section on sheep washing from 'The Rural Economy in Yorkshire in 1641', ed. C. B. Robinson (Durham: Surtees Society, 1857), pp. 17-20; Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby's article on sheep washing in the Yorkshire Dales, extracted from 'Country Life' magazine (22 May 1969), pp. 1332-1334; a copy of Stewart Sanderson's paper, 'Sheep-Washing in the North of England', offprinted from 'Ethnologia Europaea', volume IV (1970), pp. 103-105; Helen Harris' article on the decline in sheep washing, extracted from 'Country Life' (19 October 1972), pp. 999-1000; C. S. Smith's article, 'Cup Bells for 18th-Century Sheep', extracted from 'Country Life' (29 June 1967); J. E. Manners' article on sheep bells, extracted from 'Country Life' (8 April 1971); John L. Jones' article, 'Fattening the Christmas Goose', extracted from 'Country Life' (5 December 1968), pp. 1462-1463; a typed copy of a letter from M. L. Ryder on the custom of hitting sheep on the nose, published in the olume 9 (1961); and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings from Country Life, John Peel Jottings, Yorkshire Life, The Countryman, the Dorset Evening Echo and The Guardian on the handing over of sheep between tenant farmers, sheep shearers, sheep folds, counting sheep, sheep washing, milking ewes, goose nests, an Inverness-shire reindeer herd, bee boles, dog-kennels built into house/estate walls, dog wheels and folklore relating to bees. Many of the cuttings are largely illustrative. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.
Identifier | ps5mzg59 |
IRN | 410593 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/3/3/4 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Care and Management of Livestock |
Date | 1957-1973 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of typed, photocopied and ms. papers, and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings. |