Parish and Church
This subseries, comprising a single file only, includes Werner Kissling's ms. notes on the Foresters' Walk in Coverdale (connected with the Ancient Order of Foresters) and its byelaws; Margaret Ottley's article on Yorkshire's ancient chantry bridges, extracted from an unidentified publication (possibly an issue of 'The Ridings'), pp. 11-12; a typed extract from a letter from Wille Brunk on gravehouses in Sweden, accompanied by mounted photocopied illustrations of Sanct Steffan's (i.e. St. Stephen's) gravehouse at Norrala, Hälsingland, Sweden; a typed letter with ms. illustrations and notes, from Marian Wenzel of the Department of Anthropology, University College London, to Stewart Sanderson, on gravehouses in Bosnia, accompanied by photocopied photographs of gravehouses (30 January 1975); Noel Boston's article, 'The Village Church Band', on Mattishall Band, extracted from the 'Amateur Historian' (Winter 1964), pp. 48-54); and mounted magazine cuttings from 'Country Life' on a verse about time from a 1925 postcard of Salisbury Cathedral, oratories in the Pays Basque (France), horses' skulls used as an acoustic device in the Church of St. Cuthbert at Elsdon (Northumberland), church bells and bellcotes, the bellcage at East Bergholt Church, the tolling of the passing bell at Keighley (West Yorkshire), the devices and buildings for protecting graves from bodysnatchers, a boundary tithing stone at Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire), rewards paid by churchwardens for the killing of sparrows and devices for removing dogs from churches and churchyards.
Identifier | ngpt7fgv |
IRN | 410651 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/5/5 |
Level | Sub-series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | D: The Community |
Date | [1965-1975] |
Size and Medium | 1 box [part] with 1 file of ms., photocopied and printed papers, and mounted magazine cuttings., 0.41 linear metres. |
System of Arrangement | File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this. |