Clothing and Footwear - General


This file contains items relating to clothing and footwear in general, and includes a photocopy of the section on clothing from a chapter on material culture, explaining aspects to consider when researching clothing and dress, from 'Notes and Queries in Anthropology' (details unknown), pp. 234-236; mounted magazine cuttings from 'Country Life' on an illustration of ploughmen in a jacket and hat decorated in gold braid, traditional working dress for shepherds and boots worn by a Georgian postilion; and a colour postcard sent by Nana Hermansson to Joyce Salmona depicting embroidered ladies shoes made ca. 1780. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.


Identifier m7wns9xb
IRN 410646
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/5/2/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Dress
Date 1966-1971
Size and Medium 1 file of photocopied papers, mounted magazine cuttings and a colour postcard.

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