East Midland Counties and East Anglia (Volume 3)


This subseries consists of papers relating to the editing of fieldwork data collected in the East Midlands and East Anglia, in preparation for the publication of the Survey of English Dialects (SED) East Midland Counties and East Anglia Basic Material volume. It includes ms. and typed drafts (corrected in ms.) of the introductory matter; typed copies of the Preface and information on informants, corrected in ms.; ms. and typed abbreviations on index cards; typed and corrected final drafts of the introductory matter; printers' sheets in ms., mostly in phonetic script, with data for print for Informants, responses to SED questions in Book I, Book II questions 1.1 - 9.11, Book VIII questions 1.1 - 4.2, and errata and addenda; and galley and page proofs for the introductory matter, data collected for SED questions I.1.1 - VII.3.12, and errata and addenda, including some duplicates.


Identifier ldytrsxl
IRN 409798
Class Mark LAVC/SED/4/5
Level Sub-series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/ldytrsxl
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Editors' Papers
Creator(s) Orton, Harold
Date [1960s-1971]
Size and Medium 4 boxes with 36 files of ms., typed, and printed papers., 1.64 linear metres.
System of Arrangement The arrangement of the files is roughly chronological, following the order of the editorial and printing processes. The printers' sheets and galley proofs are in SED question number order, as printed.

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