Folk Tales: Miscellaneous 1
This file contains a sample offprint from the 'Enzyklopädie des Märchens: Handwörterbuch zue historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung', ed. Kurt Ranke (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1977), Band 1, Lieferung 5, including the entries for Baumeister, Baumvögel and Baumzeuge; and a copy of Stewart Sanderson's paper, 'From Social Regulator to Art Form: Case Study of a Modern Urban Legend', offprinted from 'ARV: Scandinavian Yearbook of Folklore', volume 37 (1981), pp. 161-166, which considers the Hatchet in the Handbag legend as a focal point for remarks on themes in folktale theory, the relationships between oral and written literature, and the categorisation of folklore and folktale genres. Sanderson's paper includes his ms. note and signature, and was originally presented to the Conference of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research in Edinburgh, 1979. File contents arranged chronologically.
Identifier | kym5yx62 |
IRN | 410729 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/13/1/2 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Folk Tales |
Date | 1977-1981 |
Size and Medium | 1 file with 2 printed pamphlets. |