Cottingley Fairies
This file contains items relating to the Cottingley Fairy photographs, and includes a photocopy of an article from the 'Times' (3 March 1921); a photocopy of a page from Harry Houdini's 'A Magician Among the Spirits' (London: Harper and Row, 1924), including a section relating to the photographs; photocopies of cuttings from the 'Bradford Telegraph and Argus' (1967 and 1971); Christopher Neve's article, 'But Are They Happy in Fairyland?', extracted from 'Country Life' (23 December 1971), pp. 1768-1770; Nick Witchell's article, extracted from 'Leeds Student' (6 June 1975); a photocopy of Michael Parkin's article from 'The Guardian' (8 September 1975); an ms. letter from Alice M. Bailey(9 September 1975); a photocopy of an article from 'Woman' magazine (25 October 1975), pp. 42-45; a photocopy of part of an article from 'Fate' magazine (February 1977), p. 129; a photocopy of an ms. letter from Elsie Hill (30 March 1977); a photocopy of Robert Sheaffer's article, 'Cottingley Photos: Winged UFOnauts?', from 'Official UFO' magazine (October 1977), pp. 1-4; and mounted and unmounted magazine and newspaper cuttings from 'Country Life', 'The Guardian', the 'Bradford Telegraph and Argus', the 'Yorkshire Post' (?), the 'Daily Mail' and the 'New Scientist'. The file also contains a copy of a typed handlist of letters and other documents, including correspondence from Arthur Conan Doyle and E. L. Gardner, held in the Brotherton Collectionat Leeds University Library, [14] leaves. File arranged chronologically, followed by the typed handlist.
Identifier | khlvx9d5 |
IRN | 410717 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/11/1/4 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Mythical Beings |
Date | 1967-1977 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of photocopied, ms. and typed papers, magazine extracts and magazine and newspaper cuttings (mounted and unmounted). |