Pagan and Christian Mythology


This file contains items relating to pagan gods and legends, giants and Christian mythology. The file includes a copy of Stewart Sanderson's paper, 'Abitanti Soprannaturali delle Acque Scozzesi / Supernatural Inhabitants of Scottish Waters', offprinted from 'Etnografia e Folklore del Mare', (Napoli: L'Arte Tipografica, [1955]), pp. 665-670, on the types of being believed to inhabit the waters in and around Scotland; H. S. L. Dewar's pamphlet, 'The Giant of Cerne Abbas' (St. Peter Port: Toucan Press, 1968), 10 pp.; a photocopy of a newspaper cutting from 'The Guardian' on a sea monster caught off Southern Tanzania (26 May 1975); an ms. letter from Frank Weatherill on various topics (10 June 1971), accompanying a photocopy of an ms. by William Millner, said to be a copy of a letter written by Jesus Christ (1795); photocopies of extracts from ms. letters about pagan priests on Iona and their ghosts (14 February 1975 and 18 February 1976); a photocopy of an ms. letter from Joy S. Asquith to Stewart Sanderson about the appearance of a hovering monk-like figure in a photograph taken at Glendalough (County Wicklow), and dialect (18 September 1975); a mounted magazine cutting from 'Country Life' on the figure of a devil under the eves of a York shop (29 June 1972); and a postcard of the Lincoln Imp at Lincoln Cathedral, with an outline of its legend. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.


Identifier h6ldc2q8
IRN 410714
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/11/1/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Mythical Beings
Date 1955-1976
Size and Medium 1 file with 2 pamphlets, photocopied papers, a mounted magazine cutting and 1 postcard.

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