Pagan and Christian Mythology
This file contains items relating to pagan gods and legends, giants and Christian mythology. The file includes a copy of Stewart Sanderson's paper, 'Abitanti Soprannaturali delle Acque Scozzesi / Supernatural Inhabitants of Scottish Waters', offprinted from 'Etnografia e Folklore del Mare', (Napoli: L'Arte Tipografica, [1955]), pp. 665-670, on the types of being believed to inhabit the waters in and around Scotland; H. S. L. Dewar's pamphlet, 'The Giant of Cerne Abbas' (St. Peter Port: Toucan Press, 1968), 10 pp.; a photocopy of a newspaper cutting from 'The Guardian' on a sea monster caught off Southern Tanzania (26 May 1975); an ms. letter from Frank Weatherill on various topics (10 June 1971), accompanying a photocopy of an ms. by William Millner, said to be a copy of a letter written by Jesus Christ (1795); photocopies of extracts from ms. letters about pagan priests on Iona and their ghosts (14 February 1975 and 18 February 1976); a photocopy of an ms. letter from Joy S. Asquith to Stewart Sanderson about the appearance of a hovering monk-like figure in a photograph taken at Glendalough (County Wicklow), and dialect (18 September 1975); a mounted magazine cutting from 'Country Life' on the figure of a devil under the eves of a York shop (29 June 1972); and a postcard of the Lincoln Imp at Lincoln Cathedral, with an outline of its legend. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.
Identifier | h6ldc2q8 |
IRN | 410714 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/11/1/1 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Mythical Beings |
Date | 1955-1976 |
Size and Medium | 1 file with 2 pamphlets, photocopied papers, a mounted magazine cutting and 1 postcard. |