Fairies, Folklore, and Supernatural Animals
This file contains items relating to fairies, folklore and supernatural animals. This includes a photocopy of the introduction to an article on Robert Kirk's 'The Secret Common-wealth', from the 'Scottish Historical Review', volume XVIII, number 72 (July 1921); John Premnay's article, 'Small Tales of the Little People' on stories of fairies in Ireland, extracted from 'Country Life' (24 May 1973), pp. 1472-1473; a photocopy of Howard Strick's article on the Green Man and its appearance in decorative sculpture in religious establishments, from the 'Dalesman', volume 40, number 6 (September 1978), pp. 489-491; a copy of the Bradford City Art Gallery and Museums' 'Archaeology Group Bulletin', volume 8, number 12 (December 1963), including an article on Emily Bronte's elf bolts; Ian Dewhirst's article, 'In Search of Water-Wolves', extracted from the 'Yorkshire Ridings' magazine (July 1972), pp. 8-13; and mounted magazine cuttings from 'Country Life' on the fairy ring in the garden on Glenveagh Castle (Co. Donegal), the legend of the green children (photocopy), Jack in the Green (photocopy), Godshill (Isle of Wight) and its village church, ghost horses and black dogs. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.
Identifier | hq4p6vyk |
IRN | 410718 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/11/1/5 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/hq4p6vyk |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Mythical Beings |
Date | 1963-1978 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of photocopied and typed papers, magazine extracts and mounted magazine cuttings. |