Huntingdonshire Response Books
Response books, completed in ms. phonetic script, recording the answers of informants from SED localities in Huntingdonshire to the Dieth-Orton Questionnaire. Responses were recorded by SED fieldworker Stanley Ellis at Warboys and Kimbolton. Each response book bears ms. editorial markings relating to the editing of the recorded responses for publication in the SED East Midlands Counties Basic Material volume. Response books for Huntingdonshire were edited by Rae Lee Siporin in 1964. The response books are retained in the numerical order assigned to SED localities, 19 Hu 1-2.
Identifier | hpj6msym |
IRN | 409615 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SED/2/2/19 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Questionnaire Response Books |
Creator(s) | Ellis, Stanley |
Date | 1957 |
Size and Medium | 1 magazine file with 2 ms. response books. |