Moses leading the Israelites (fol. 23r)
Initial 'H' encloses the scene of Moses, depicted with horns, leading the Israelites from Egypt. Context: Exodus...
Initial 'H' encloses the scene of Moses, depicted with horns, leading the Israelites from Egypt. Context: Exodus...
3- and 5-line initials in red decorated in blue and green. Context: Preface to Catholic Epistles: Non ita ordo est aput grecos...
Initial 'P' shows St. Paul teaching Timothy. The initial is further decorated with a small dragon-like grotesque. The ornamental initial 'T' is infill...
Initial 'P' has St. Paul, and is further decorated with a small animal head. The ornamental initial 'E' above is infilled with foliage. Context: Pau...
Initial 'V' encloses the scene of God speaking to the prophet Hosea and his wife Gomer. Above it is an ornamental initial 'N' infilled with foliage an...
Leaves are missing after ff. 24 and 34, with gaps in the text; ends imperfectly. Written in protogothic minuscule. On long-term deposit from Ripon...
Large zoomorphic initial 'Q' where the descender is composed of a dragon clutching the body of the letter with its teeth. The body of the letter is in...
Initial 'H' encloses the scene of the prophet Nahum, depicted with a halo, standing in front of the city of Nineveh, announcing its fall. Two ornament...
Initial 'D' encloses a scene of King Solomon enthroned, holding a fleur-de-lis. The border includes a hybrid of a bird with an animal head wearing a h...
The first initial 'C' encloses two clerics singing, the second has a priest censing the altar. Context: Psalter: Psalm 97...