Jeremiah weeping (fol. 332v)
Initial 'Q' encloses a scene of Jeremiah weeping. Context: Lamentations...
Initial 'Q' encloses a scene of Jeremiah weeping. Context: Lamentations...
Decoration: 2 large initials infilled with foliage and beasts, and 4 smaller initials in colours. Written in littera minuscula protogothica textuali...
Decoration: biblical books and divisions of Psalms have historiated 9-line initials in colours, on gold grounds, and with ornamental bars extending to...
Filigree band border in blue and rose, on gold background. 5-line initial 'D' in blue with white penwork ornamentation, on gold background, infilled w...
Initial 'O' encloses the scene of God speaking to the prophet Habbakuk. An ornamental initial 'A' is decorated with foliage and an animal head. Cont...
Initial 'P' encloses the scene of King Solomon, wearing a crown, teaching Rehoboam, who is holding a book. It is further decorated with a deer (?) hea...
Initial 'D' encloses a scene of David pointing to his mouth, looking up to God. The other initial 'D' has two men in conversation (King David communic...
Initial 'T' encloses the scene of Tobit being blinded by a swallow's dropping. Context: Tobit...
Initial 'R' encloses the scene of Abishag and Bathsheba before the old King David, who lies in his sickbed. Bathsheba and David wear crowns. Abishag, ...
Initial 'H' encloses the scene of Moses and the Israelites on their way to the Jordan. The border decoration extending from the initial includes a hea...