Medieval Manuscripts

Your query returned 758 results. Showing results 641 - 650

The Finding of the Cross (fol. 104v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Print

Part of the South English Legendary Brotherton Collection MS 501, fols 103r, 104r-107v (bound in the wrong order; correct reading order is 107r-v, 1...

[Questiones Quodlibeticæ cum Glossis]

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Print

Slips with additions have been inserted within the main text block. The volume is richly glossed throughout. Decoration: incipit initial 'A' in bl...

Floral border (fol. 45r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Full bar-frame border in gold and in rose/blue with, at the corners, clusters of acanthus leaves. From the border clusters of spray penwork extend gol...

Coat of arms (fol. 22r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The 4-line initial 'K' is decorated with a coat of arms: three red (gules) flower sheaves (?) on a black (sable) bend, with, above, a gold (or) fleur-...

Floral border (fol. 149r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Bar-frame border in gold and in rose/blue acanthus vine that extends into the border in curved leaves and hairline tendrils that carry poppyheads, hea...

Decorative design (fol. 130v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

A crescent-shaped (like a rotated initial 'C') decorative design in red, infilled with red and green tendrils, with white penwork circles, on a light ...

Two cockerels (fol. 56r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The border has two cockerels, peas in pods, pansies, thistles and acanthus leaves. 6-line initial in red with write penwork ornamentation is infilled ...

Ordo visitandi domos ordinis Carthusiensis; etc

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Print

Vertical catch words. Decoration: 3-line initial in gold on a blue and green ground and a penwork border in purple with flowers and a bird (f. 1r). ...

St. Martha (fol. 81r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

St. Martha, standing by a cave from which a monster emerges, and holding a book and a cross. Context: Prayers: Prayer to Saint Martha...

St. Dorothy of Caesarea (fol. 67v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

St. Dorothy is standing by a little girl (a disguised angel) with a basket of roses and apples. (The saint asked her to take them as a gift to the mo...