Calendar: July (fol. 7v)
The scenes in the historiated border are: an unidentified bishop; St Mary Magdalen holding a book and an ointment jar; St. Christopher carrying Christ...
The scenes in the historiated border are: an unidentified bishop; St Mary Magdalen holding a book and an ointment jar; St. Christopher carrying Christ...
4-line initial 'D' in blue on red background, decorated with a strawberry, a speedwell and a daisy, and inhabited with a head-and-shoulders portrait o...
Decoration: Title and incipit words in rustic capitals in gold, blue and red. The 6-line incipit initial 'S' is in gold on green decorated ground. The...
Initial 'V' encloses the scene ofGod speaking to Moses. The border has a bird and a hybrid of a bird with a dog's head. Context: Leviticus...
Part of the genealogical network or tree that follows throughout the manuscript, names written within red circles. Several initials in gold on blue/re...
The roundel shows Noah walking up the gangplank to his ark, in which can be seen two donkeys, two bears, two ducks and a goose (12). Context: Histor...
5-line initial 'S' in gold on a red/blue background with white penwork ornamentation of flowers and leaves. The initial extends into a 1/4 bar-frame b...
5-line initial 'I' decorated with a snake entwined around and through the initial, outlined in black and red, touched in blue and green. Context: Be...
9-line initial 'I' composed of foliage, in red outline, decorated with a light blue strip of paint. Context: Bede's commentary on the Catholic epist...
Part of the South English Legendary Brotherton Collection MS 501, fols 103r, 104r-107v (bound in the wrong order; correct reading order is 107r-v, 1...