Making music and dancing (fol. 26r)
The historiated border includes a man kneeling and making music with drums, and a man bending cross-legged and holding a spit in his mouth that has a ...
The historiated border includes a man kneeling and making music with drums, and a man bending cross-legged and holding a spit in his mouth that has a ...
The double-compartment miniature has a man pruning, and the zodiacal sign of Aries (the ram). In the border are depicted three figures, two bishops an...
Includes catchwords at the end of quires. Decoration: 8-line incipit initial 'L' in blue and red, infilled with a leaf decoration in red; 2-line ini...
Decoration: 2 large initials infilled with foliage and beasts, and 4 smaller initials in colours. Written in littera minuscula protogothica textuali...
Decoration: biblical books and divisions of Psalms have historiated 9-line initials in colours, on gold grounds, and with ornamental bars extending to...
Filigree band border in blue and rose, on gold background. 5-line initial 'D' in blue with white penwork ornamentation, on gold background, infilled w...
Initial 'O' encloses the scene of God speaking to the prophet Habbakuk. An ornamental initial 'A' is decorated with foliage and an animal head. Cont...
Held in an open-ended cardboard tube 430 mm long and covered with black cloth on which there is some blindtooling and a label on which is typed, 'Bibl...
The historiated border includes a man praying with a book, and a man praying with a book on a lectern. Context: Litany...
The border shows Christ raising his hand in blessing in the middle of a group of people and angels who kneel in adoration. Christ is holding a tall cr...