Cockerel (fol. 102r)
The border is decorated with a cockerel, grapes, pinks, thistles and acanthus leaves. A 3-line initial in blue has white penwork ornamentation, on a g...
The border is decorated with a cockerel, grapes, pinks, thistles and acanthus leaves. A 3-line initial in blue has white penwork ornamentation, on a g...
Decoration: 5 (2 to 6-line) initials in blue or pink patterned in white, infilled with flowers, and on gold grounds, within full framed floral borders...
St. Ursula and her companions, the eleven thousand virgins, sailing towards Cologne. Context: Prayers: Prayer to Ursula and the 11,000 virgins...
St. Apollonia, the patron saint of toothache, holding a large tooth in pincers. Context: Prayers: Prayer to Saint Apollonia...
St. Catherine, wearing a crown (referring to her alleged royal descent), holding a book (a symbol of her wisdom), and holding a sword and standing by ...
St. Gregory the Great, clad in a chasuble and the papal triple tiara, and holding a crosier and a book, on which sits a dove. Context: Prayers: Pray...
St. Kylian, of Wurzburg, wearing a chasuble and a mitre, and holding a sword and a sceptre. Context: Prayers: Prayer to Saint Kylian...
St. Paul with a book and a sword, an instrument of his martyrdom. Context: Prayers: Prayer to Saint Paul...
A man lies in bed with hands clasped, praying to Christ who appears in the top corner. Context: Prayers: Oraciones cum mane surgit...
The historiated border includes a man with a pointed hat holding a hay-making rake, and a small crowned man carrying a spade. Context: Penitential ...