Fourteen Holy Helpers (fol. 45v)
Group of fourteen auxiliary saints, Sts Erasmus, George and Catherine, and the dragon of St. George or St. Margaret, are on the foreground. Other sain...
Group of fourteen auxiliary saints, Sts Erasmus, George and Catherine, and the dragon of St. George or St. Margaret, are on the foreground. Other sain...
St. Sebastian, tied to a tree and being shot with arrows by a soldier clad in red. Context: Prayers: Prayer to Saint Sebastian...
St. John the Baptist, holding a book and on it the Lamb of God, Agnus Dei. Context: Prayers: Prayer to Saint John the Baptist...
The border is decorated with acanthus leaves and a flower. 7-line foliate initial 'A'. Context: Prayer before the Holy Sacrament: Ad mensam dulcissi...
The historiated border includes a woman wearing a hat and a cloak, lifting a barrel; and a grotesque in the form of a lion with a human face, wearing ...
The historiated border includes an angel blowing a bagpipe-type instrument, and a grotesque with a man's upper body attached to the body of a four-leg...
Initial 'A' shows St. John the Evangelist preaching. Context: Apocalypse...
Initial 'P' depicts St. Paul teaching. The initial is further decorated with a man hanging from its descender. Context: Pauline Epistles: Epistle to...
Initial 'P' shows St. Paul holding a sword, the instrument of his martyrdom. The initial is further decorated with a satyr-like grotesque. The ornamen...
Initial 'A' encloses the scene of Nebuchadnezzar approaching the gate of Jerusalem on horseback, while two soldiers watch from a tower. Context: Dan...