King David ringing bells (fol. 57r)
The historiated initial depicts King David ringing bells. Context: Psalter: Exultate deo adjutori nostro...
The historiated initial depicts King David ringing bells. Context: Psalter: Exultate deo adjutori nostro...
The border is decorated with acanthus leaves and a flower. 7-line foliate initial 'A'. Context: Prayer after the Holy Sacrament: O sacratissimum cor...
The roundel depicts Alexander the Great, king of Macedon (29). The artist has user a generic warrior model, almost identical to that used for Joshua (...
Part of the genealogical network or tree that follows throughout the manuscript, names written within red circles. Several initials in gold on blue/re...
The roundel on left shows God instructing Adam and Eve beside the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (9). The roundel on right depicts God upbraiding ...
Two initials 'D' and 'R' composed of and infilled with foliage in pink, blue, red and green, extending to the border, and further decorated with golde...
5-line initial 'S' composed of foliage, in black outline, touched in red, on a blue and green background. Context: Bede's commentary on the Catholic...
Ff. 39-41 were written by a later, possibly 14th-century, hand. Annotations throughout the manuscript are written in three different hands. Decorati...
Part of the South English Legendary Brotherton Collection MS 501, fols 103r, 104r-107v (bound in the wrong order; correct reading order is 107r-v, 1...
Part of the South English Legendary Brotherton Collection MS 501, fols 103r, 104r-107v (bound in the wrong order; correct reading order is 107r-v, 1...