St. Catherine of Alexandria (fol. 136v)
The miniature depicts St. Catherine holding a palm branch and a sword, the instrument of her martyrdom. A wheel, her symbol, is beside her. She is wea...
The miniature depicts St. Catherine holding a palm branch and a sword, the instrument of her martyrdom. A wheel, her symbol, is beside her. She is wea...
St. Sebastian is shown tied to a tree and shot with arrows. Context: Suffrages: Saint Sebastian: O quam mira refulsit gracia...
St. Michael is shown seizing the Devil. Context: Suffrages: St Michael: Sancte Michael Archangele defende nos...
The full-page miniature depicts the scene of the betrayal and arrest of Christ. Judas Iscariot leans forward to kiss Christ, while a large group of so...
The main miniature depicts two men with sticks, one of them knocking acorns out of an oak-tree for pigs to feed on. The border miniature has Sagittari...
The historiated border includes an angel in a cloud playing a hurdy-gurdy, a monk carrying a processional cross, and a running man with a long candle....
The scenes in the historiated border are: a grotesque in the form of a green bird with a head of a bearded old man; the ox, the symbol of the Evangeli...
The double-compartment miniature has a man knocking acorns out of oak-trees, and the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius (the archer). The scenes in the hist...
The double-compartment miniature has a man threshing, and the zodiacal sign of Virgo (the virgin). The scenes in the historiated border are: St. Peter...
Virgin Mary holding the Christ-Child within a mandorla, framed with rosary beads. Across the miniature is a cartouche on which a prayer in French is w...