Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 831 - 840
A taste of ancient Rome
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Klinike or, The diet of the diseased : divided into three bookes. Wherein is set downe at length the whole matter and nature of diet for those in health, but especially for the sicke; the aire, and other elements; meat and drinke, with divers other things; various controversies concerning this subject are discussed: besides many pleasant practicall and historicall relations, both of the authors owne and other mens, &c. as by the argument of each booke, the contents of the chapters, and a large table, may easily appeare. Collected as well out of the writings of ancient philosophers, Greeke, Latine, and Arabian, and other moderne writers; as out of divers other authours
First word of title in Greek letters. Includes tables of the various remedies. Reference: Oxford p. 20. Includes index....
The Good food guide
Imprint varies. 1951/2-'61/2 issued by the Good Food Club. 1963/4- issued by the Good Food Club and Consumer's Association....
The Good food guide
Imprint varies. 1951/2-'61/2 issued by the Good Food Club. 1963/4- issued by the Good Food Club and Consumer's Association....
L'almanach de cocagne
Edited by Bertrand Guégan....
Gault Millau
no.123 (juil. 1979); no.165 (jan. 1983); no.169 (mai. 1983); no.172-174 (août-oct. 1983); no.178-180 (fév.-avril 1984); no.182-188 (juin-déc. 1984); n...
Let's cook!
no.1-9 (Apr.-Dec. 1990)...