Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 161 - 170
Journal des gourmands at des belles
Rédigé par l'auteur de l'Almanach des gourmands [i.e. Grimod de la Reynière]....
Seated figure of a goddess
A framed painting on plaster, labelled: "Seated figure of a goddess (Sekhet?), the head surmounted by a disc round which is twined the solar uraeus. ...
The temperate man, or the right way of preserving life and health, together with soundness of the senses, judgement, and memory unto extream old age : in three treatises
Advertisement on p. [2] at beginning. Preface signed "T.S." suggests Timothy Smith as translator; N.U.C. gives translator of first and third parts a...