Women's Information, Referral and Enquiry Service Box 08


Campaigns and information related to prostitution, Black women, deportations, Jewish women, disabled women, young women, housing, prisons, policing, government cuts, women and politics, democratic rights, peace, environmentalism republicanism. - Prostitution 1975-83 (predominately related to the ‘English Collective of Prostitutes’.) - Black women - Anti-deportation campaigns UK 1981 - Jewish Women re zionism - Disabled women 1978-84 (making WIRES accessible to disabled women/Articles: Help on our terms/Equal rights for disabled women/Images of ourselves/Disability Rights handbook) - Disability Access Code for premises used by women’s groups circa 1980 - Young women ud - Housing 1977-79 - Prisons 1981-85 - Policing 1981-85 (including Police and Criminal Evidence bill 1982 and policing the lesbian and gay community) - The Law Society negligence panel scheme - Campaigns against government cuts 1980-81 (inc. labour ‘Party Fight’ back campaign) - The Situation of Women in the political process – published by the Council of Europe - Charter of Democratic Rights 1975 by the Communist Party - Peace 1981-84 (inc. Greenham Common) - Anti-nuclear power 1978-79 - Friends of the Earth – leaflet. - ‘MAAM’ – Movement Against A Monarchy - leaflet  


Identifier xtcs4nxs
IRN 632562
Class Mark FAN/WIRES/08
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/xtcs4nxs
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Women's Information, Referral and Enquiry Service
Date 1975-85

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