Women's Information, Referral and Enquiry Service Box 03
HEALTH campaigns, information, organisations, articles - ‘Fight Back’ campaigns (against health service cuts) 1979-80 - Sexual Health (STD/vaginal infections) 1972-82 - Birth Control/Fertility/Reproductive Rights/ IVF/self-insemination/Sex education 1975-84 - Abortion Rights 1975-82 - Hysterectomy - Smear Test (Cytotests) leaflet - Maternity issues/parenting 1977-83 - Alcohol and other drugs 1985 - Eating disorders/food 1982 - Breast health - ud - Mental Health 1979-81 - Individual illness 1976-85 - Health centres/Collectives/Women’s Health groups/health Newsletters 1973-83 - Counselling/therapy 1974-78 - Correspondence related to projects set up directory of feminist health workers 1978-81 - Menopause 1978 - PMT 1983 - Consent to treatment 1974 - You and your body –ud - Women in Medicine Newsletter 1984 - Health screening for women leaflet - ud - ISIS Women’s Journal No3 – on women and health 1985 - Women and psychology paper – ud - An introduction to acupuncture – ud - ‘The Child, The Doctor and the Law’ by the Medical Defence Union 1972
Identifier | kd1lfmq3 |
IRN | 490868 |
Class Mark | FAN/WIRES/03 |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/kd1lfmq3 |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Women's Information, Referral and Enquiry Service |
Date | 1972-1985 |
Size and Medium | 1 box |