General Dialect-Related Enquiries File 1


"Letters Received re. Dialect”. Ms. and typed letters from various correspondents and copies of Harold Orton’s typed replies, including offers of help with informants; dialect phrases and words including some in response to the broadcast the third programme in the series "A New Survey of English Dialects” and to an article in the Listener (1950), some including small glossaries of dialect words; offers of help with fieldwork; and requests for help with the correspondents’ own surveys. Some correspondents are no longer resident in the county about which they write. The correspondence is arranged alphabetically by county, and within each county, alphabetically by author and chronologically. Most letters are addressed to Orton, but some are also addressed to Peter Wright. The file also contains correspondence between N.A. Hudleston and A.S. Umpleby of the Yorkshire Dialect Society regarding Hudleston’s Yorkshire Dialect Glossary (see LAVC/NSP/20); p.2 of the Yorkshire Post for 7 September 1951, containing an article on regional accents (fragile); and other news cuttings on dialect. 1 file. 1946-1953.


Identifier wxfdyd2n
IRN 417540
Class Mark LAVC/SED/1/1/7/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record General Dialect Related Enquiries
Date 1946-1953

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