SED - Sound Recordings


Although separated into two physical file folders, these files were originally held as two folders within a single filing-cabinet file. The first file was originally labelled E. J. Arnold, and consists of correspondence with E. J. Arnold and Son Limited on the Survey of English Dialects (SED) publication programme, with particular focus on attempts to publish a tape anthology of SED dialect recordings through Arnold's. The file contains an ms. note by Sanderson to this effect, and includes correspondence between Stewart Sanderson and Margaret Wainwright on various aspects of the SED, including proposals for an SED dialect recordings tape anthology (October 1967-January 1970); and correspondence with various people at Arnold's on the SED and its publication, including the publication of the Southern Counties Basic Materials volume (vol. 4), the reprinting of parts of the Northern Counties Basic Material volume (vol. 1) and plans for an SED Luncheon to be hosted at Leeds in October 1971 (October 1967-October 1971). The second file was originally labelled SED Dialect Recordings Anthology, and includes a typed memo on fieldwork conducted by Philip Tilling and Martyn Wakelin in Cornwall (July 1963); a typed report on the progress of field audio-recording undertaken by Philip Tilling and Michael Barry (April 1967); and correspondence, chiefly addressed to Stanley Ellis, consisting of requests and enquiries concerning dialect audio recordings made for the SED (January 1977-January 1981). This also includes a typed list of addresses headed Notification of SED Discs which was originally clipped to the inside of the file. The arrangement of the first file is chronological and by subject.


Identifier sxdtlvs9
IRN 409831
Class Mark LAVC/STA/1/1/1/3
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Survey of English Dialects and Related Correspondence
Creator(s) Sanderson, Stewart
Date 1963-1981
Size and Medium 2 files of typed papers.

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