Di Hudson Box 01


FOLDER 1: Manchester Gay Women's Group 1973/74 Flyers, Campaign manual, Members list, Papers about campaigns, Conferences, newspaper articles FOLDER 2: Manchester Gay Alliance 1974 Material of Manchester University Homophile Group, CHE Town Group, Gay Women's Group and Gay Liberation Front. Newsletters, information about meetings, events FOLDER 3: Information on the Lesbian Collective 1966-1978 Information on group set up as alternative to CHE based Women's Group. Includes information on row between Manchester Women's Group and Lesbian Collective, details of Lesbians & Psychiatry and London Women and Psychiatry groups and 1974 Bradford conf on Psycho-sexual problems, papers about establishing a Gay centre in Manchester and the Lesbian Archives Collective etc. Letters, newsletters, articles, flyers, papers about female psychiatry, homosexuality, Manchester Lesbian Archive, a gay centre FOLDER 4: Manchester Women's Liberation Newsletters 1974-84 and Papers regarding Manchester Women's Press row Newsletters (some gaps) and letters FOLDER 5: Come Together (Gay Liberation Front Newspapers) 1971 Copies of Come Together, a quarterly newspaper, incl number 16 (1971) which was produced by Manchester Gay Alliance (Lesbian Collective, GLF and CHE). The cover was drawn by Ruth Breheney. FOLDER 6: Copies of Gay News 1973/74 Copies of Gay News newspaper and an article by Jenny Bourne called 'Towards an anti-racist feminism' FOLDER 7: Male Power and the Sexual Abuse of Girls Conference, Manchester 1982 Material relating to the conference including a history of the conf, papers on incest, sexual abuse of children and boys, case studies, proposed changes to the law on sexual offences and details about the South East London Women Against Rape group. FOLDER 8: Move It - Bristol CHE Women's Group 1974 Material from Bristol women's group, including Move It magazines and a flyer for Lesbian Left FOLDER 9: National Lesbian Conference, London, 1981 Material from the conference, including articles and papers, information about workshops, timetables and Women Against Pornography slides.


Identifier rnth6llc
IRN 488194
Class Mark FAN/DH/01
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/rnth6llc
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Di Hudson Collection
Date 1966-1984
Size and Medium 1 box

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