Di Hudson Box 02


FOLDER 1: Keighley Women's Aid 1983 Press article and group contact list FOLDER 2: Articles by Women 1981-89 Various articles about transexualism, lesbianism and feminism. Includes copies of Big Apple Dyke News and papers from Lesbian Left (a socialist feminist group) FOLDER 3: Women's Aid 1981-83 Women's Aid Conference, Leeds, May 1981; Chiswick Women's Refuge; Women's Aid Newsletter August 1983 Various papers including information on Chiswick and North Manchester Women's Aid groups, black women in refuges, response to social workers on domestic violence, etc. FOLDER 4: Papers on Feminism in Women's Studies 1987 Various papers, including an article called 'On the exclusion of the radical and revolutionary perspectives in Women's Studies' FOLDER 5: North West Regional Socialist Feminist Conference 1980 Articles about socialism, feminism and oppression, and a timetable of the conference FOLDER 6: Sexual Violence Against Women Conference, November 1980 It was at this conference that the name Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) was decided upon. It was also here that the film was taken out of a pressman's camera and destroyed, as he had been taking photographs without permission of women entering and leaving the Conference. Includes papers on rape, incest, prostitution and indecent exposure. FOLDER 7: First WAVAW Conference, London, November 1981 Papers on pornography, rape, sexual abuse of children, sexual violence against black women and at work, sexual pleasure and women's liberation, etc. FOLDER 8: Women Against Pornography. Papers from USA 1982-83 News reports from Women Against Pornography FOLDER 9: Women's Liberation Conference Papers, Birmingham, 1978 Papers relating to conference, including notes on its structure, notes on the 7th Demand from Bristol Women's Aid and Anti-Rape group, flyers for Women and Education, flyer for Day Conference in Leeds, May 1978, "Women and Sexuality", etc FOLDER 10: Tyranny of Tyranny' by Cathy Levine and Informal Elites 'Tyranny of Structurelessness': papers about power and structure in feminist movements and groups 1974 FOLDER 11: Conference on Reproductive Technologies, Leeds, March 1983 (?) Conference material FOLDER 12: Jewish Women's Conference, 1982 Conference material, including a programme/timetable, notes on how the conference has been organised and why it is important, Jewish Lesbian reading list, papers on anti-semitism, and identifying as a Jewish Lesbian or Feminist


Identifier p579gy92
IRN 488204
Class Mark FAN/DH/02
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/p579gy92
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Di Hudson Collection
Date 1974-1989
Size and Medium 1 box

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