Oil portrait of Mary Sabilla Novello


Oil painting of Mary Sabilla Novello by an unknown artist, possibly her daughter Emma Aloysia Novello. In a gilt gesso frame with losses to the edges. The sitter is depicted in a dark coloured dress with a white ruff and a pink striped bonnet. There is a glass vase with pink and white flowers to her left in an undefined interior space. A patterned shawl is draped over her proper left wrist and proper right shoulder. There are labels in Italian and German on the reverse. The painting is reproduced as a glass negative in a separate file.


Identifier qp3993p8
IRN 731021
Class Mark BC MS NCC/3/5/4
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/qp3993p8
Collection(s) Novello Cowden Clarke Collection
Category Archive Art
Parent Record Portraits of
Date c. 1850
Size and Medium 1 painting

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