Cest le liure des fays des Romains conpille en[sem]ble de la [...]uste et de suetoyne et du lucain [...]


The outer columns of text on ff. 6-10 are lacking. Columns are numbered with modern pencil throughout, 1-975. Decoration: 6-line incipit initial 'A' in red and green, decorated with red pen-ornament which extends into a border decoration in red, blue and green. 3-line intials, alternating in red and blue with pen flourishes in the other colour, begin new sections throughout the manuscript. Title in red and rubrics throughout. Written in cursiva. Presented with the aid of funds subscribed by Mrs Nellie Emsley of Bradford, Dr W. Gough of Park Square, Leeds, and Colonel T. Walter Harding of Madingley Hall, Cambridge, in 1925.


Identifier jqh8pc58
IRN 396904
Class Mark MS 2
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/jqh8pc58
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Medieval Manuscripts (Special Collections)
Date [1440-1460]
Size and Medium 1 v. (247 leaves) (2 columns, 39-42 lines; frame-ruled in pencil)

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