Martyn Wakelin Papers


This series primarily consists of correspondence, research and lecture notes created and collected by Martyn Wakelin during his time as editor for the Survey of English Dialects, studying for his PhD with the IDFLS, and on into his time as lecturer in English at the Royal Holloway College (University of London).


Identifier jnq6gkvr
IRN 719590
Class Mark LAVC/STA/6
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Institute Staff Papers
Creator(s) Wakelin, Martyn F
Date 1963 - 1987
System of Arrangement The series has been arranged in the following subseries: - Correspondence - Cornwall Research and Lectures - Dialect Lectures and Research

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