Industrial Archaeology


This file contains leaflets and programmes relating to the Ironbridge Gorge Museum, and the Institute of Industrial Archaeology. The Ironbridge Gorge Museum leaflets include information on study and research opportunities; the Museum, including a review of its first ten years; the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust; and information on museum sites run by the Trust, including the Coalport China Works Museum, the Coalbrookdale Museum and Furnace Site, Blists Hill Open Air Museum and the Telford Collection. The Institute of Industrial Archaeology leaflets include a programme of short courses to be run in 1981; a series of leaflets on specific courses, run largely at Ironbridge Gorge Museum, on surveying and recording canal remains, tourism and industrial heritage, the conservation of industrial objects and fieldwork; and a leaflet for a summer school (all 1981). The arrangement of the file is chronological by institution.


Identifier jmn5mqfl
IRN 410564
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/2/2/1/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Land Divisions
Date 1977-1981
Size and Medium 1 file of printed items.

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