Michael Bateman Photographs


Series containing a range of photographs taken by or featuring Bateman, includes loose photographs of Bateman with friends and work colleagues, one brown album of photographs of Bateman during military service in Hong Kong etc (c1950s), a green album of photographs of Bateman, friends and holiday pictures, with some early attempts at jounralistic writing (1956 - 1959) and 29 packages of various photograpps, some taken in India and Singapore (c1990s).


Identifier jbdbm8ks
IRN 629731
Class Mark MS 1794/8
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/jbdbm8ks
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Manuscript and Print
Parent Record Michael Bateman Archive
Date 1950 - 2000
Size and Medium 2 albums, 29 packages, 3 boxes

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