Michael Bateman Archive


Collection covering Michael Bateman's work as a journalist and writer. Journalistic work from the late 1950s up to 2003 is covered in a series of scrapbooks with press cuttings pasted in, and substantial series of files of research and drafts. The collection also covers books written, or contributed to, by Bateman, from the mid 1960s up to 2002. Later books, including 'Street Cafe Brazil' and 'World of Spice' are covered in great detail. Although Bateman was known primarily as a food writer and journalist, his earlier work and juvenilia covers a wide range of subjects, including creative writing. A further series titled 'log books' covers Bateman's own life writing over several decades. The collection also includes correspondence (often relating to his work), sketches and artwork (Bateman occaisionally illustrated articles), photographs and photograph albums, appointment diaries, address books, multimedia and substantial ephemera relating to his work.


Identifier wgrzj15s
IRN 33601
Class Mark MS 1794
Level Collection
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/wgrzj15s
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Manuscript and Print
Creator(s) Bateman, Michael, Grigson, Sophie, Harben, Philip
Date 1900-2006
Size and Medium 30 boxes, 16 scrapbooks, roll of posters, ms. papers, magazines, newspaper cuttings, newspapers, pamphlets, photographs, ts. papers, diaries, maps, cassette tapes, 3-1/2 inch floppy disks, postcards, artwork, video tape
System of Arrangement Arrangement follows Bateman's own filing systems where possible.

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