

The items in this series relate to the publicising of the published SED Basic Material volumes, through press conferences and media coverage, announcements by the publishers, E. J. Arnold, and the University of Leeds, academic reviews and Harold Orton's lectures and radio broadcasts. The four volumes, each with three parts, were not published in numerical order, and not every part is represented in this series. The Introduction and Volume 1 (Part 1) were launched in London in October 1962; Volume 4 (Part 1)and Volume 4 (Part 2) were launched in Leeds in March and September 1967 respectively; Volume 2 (Part 1)and Volume 3 (Part 1)were launched in Birmingham in September 1969; and the twelfth and final part to be published, Volume 3 (Part 3), was launched in Leeds in October 1971. The press conference packs produced for such events include copy samples of the SED Questionnaire, fieldwork notebooks and word maps. Five black and white publicity photographs, taken at the first launch in 1962, are also contained within this series. This series also contains the newspaper articles and related correspondence that Orton collected, relating both to the Survey (pre- and post-publication), and other language/dialect topics. The larger part of this series was created between the years 1947 and 1971.


Identifier fnkf4q4l
IRN 409800
Class Mark LAVC/SED/5
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Survey of English Dialects
Date 1935-1971
Size and Medium 20 files of ms. and printed items in 2 boxes., 0.41 linear metres.
System of Arrangement This series has been arranged in the following subseries: - Press Conferences and Announcements - Press Reports and Reviews - Reviews (Academic) - Lectures (Harold Orton) - University of Leeds Information Service

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