Bonfire Survey
This sub-subseries contains papers relating to a collaborative survey of bonfire customs conducted by the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies at Leeds (IDFLS), and the Department of English at University College, London (UCL). The survey was probably conducted as part of the Folk Life Survey. The papers include typed and photocopied copies of covering letters outlining the survey and Annual Bonfires questionnaires A and B; ms. and typed lists of informants, including untraced contacts; photocopies of typed transcripts of responses collected for the survey by UCL; ms. and typed responses to the survey collected by the IDFLS in Northern England; draft maps showing seasonal bonfires in England completed by Stewart Sanderson; photocopied press cuttings on the survey; ms. and typed correspondence between Sanderson and informants responding to the survey; and further photocopies of survey items collected by UCL, accompanied by a covering letter from James Stewart (Department of English, UCL). The aim of the survey was to collect information about regional patterns of bonfire customs, and to present the results in map form. It was intended that the maps would eventually form part of a projected 'European Atlas of Folklore and Ethnology'. The copy survey responses supplied by UCL include responses from England, Scotland, Ireland and Malta. There is also a file of responses from members of Old Cornwall Societies.
Identifier | dz3xmzyj |
IRN | 409858 |
Class Mark | LAVC/STA/1/2/4 |
Level | Sub-sub-series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Fieldwork and Research |
Creator(s) | Sanderson, Stewart |
Date | 1967-1968 |
Size and Medium | 2 boxes [both part] with 13 files of ms., typed and photocopied papers. |
System of Arrangement | Files of copy survey items from UCL retain their original numerical order, according to identification numbers previously assigned. |